For many motorcyclists, the helmet is the pride of their riding gear. The choice of helmet expresses your individuality. It shows what kind of motorcyclist you are and should, of course, complement the type of motorcycle you ride. Invariably there are many wishes and requirements when it comes to helmets and Hoco Parts has a wide range allowing every motorcyclist to find the right solution for his or her wishes.
However stylish a motorcycle helmet may be, it is first and foremost a legally required safety device. Hoco Parts distributes helmets from renowned manufacturers who, through years of experience on the street and on the track, have acquired the knowledge and technology that enables them to produce excellent products which often exceed the required approval standards.

Motorcycle clothing is more than just motorcycle fashion. Of course, as a motorcyclist, you are looking for motorcycle garments with a modern, trendy look, but motorcycle clothing must also be safe and comfortable. With major differences between touring garments, racing suits and off-road outfits, Hoco Parts supplies motorcycle clothing from renowned manufacturers who have safety and comfort in their DNA!
A motorcycle outfit does not just consist of jackets and trousers alone. In the off-road sector in particular, the equipment is comprehensive including separate protectors, braces, motocross goggles and jerseys, whilst riding boots are essential for all sectors. The Hoco Parts range offers an extensive choice of equipment for every type of motorcyclist.